More Information on Bequests and Other Planned Gifts
There are many ways to make legacy gifts to the Middle East Children’s Alliance. Below is an informational brochure that explains how you can leave a planned or legacy gift to enable MECA to play a leading role in protecting the health, lives and rights of the children, and in supporting eorts to bring peace and justice to the region.
For further assistance, please do not hesitate to email Deborah Agre or call her at 510 548-0542.
Suggested wording:
“I give, devise, and bequeath to the Middle East Children’s Alliance, Berkeley, California, [specific amount, percentage, residue] of my estate to be used for its charitable purposes.”
Note: The above is suggested wording. Consult an attorney when preparing any legal document. If you work with a financial advisor, he or she can tell you about other kinds of planned giving that can benefit both you and the Middle East Children’s Alliance.