This medicine will have great impact on thousands of patients in Gaza during this very difficult time. On behalf of MECA, our partners, and the thousands of patients I would like to thank everybody who donated toward this shipment. By doing this you are part of the change and justice you want to see in the world. —Dr. Mona El-Farra, Gaza Projects Director

When the Great Return March began in Gaza more than a year ago, MECA sent funds to the Union of Health Work Committees (UHWC) to treat those injured by Israeli snipers and to purchase medications for anesthesia, rehydration, childbirth complications, neuromuscular disorders, and infections. MECA also supported a group of volunteer nurses who received special training to support the medical teams at the March, accompany the wounded to their homes, and assist in their treatment and recovery.

Everything changes in Gaza and usually becomes more difficult so when we weren’t able to get a large medical shipment into Gaza from the U.S. or Europe, as we had in the past, we purchased and received a large donation of medicine  from SEDICO, a pharmaceutical company in Egypt.  Delivering this medicine turned out to be challenging as well but MECA staff in the U.S. and Palestine worked over many months, in the face of many obstacles, to get the specific medicines Palestinian doctors and pharmacists needed.